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Pakistan Mathematical Society

Open Membership:

Rules & Regulations

1 Membership of the Society shall be open to any mathematician, irrespective of his/her race, creed, region and sect.
2 The Council may offer honorary membership of the Society to eminent mathematicians from within and outside Pakistan.
3 An application for membership other than honorary members of the Society shall be submitted on the prescribed form to the General Secretary of the Society.
4 An application for membership shall be considered at a meeting of the Council. The General Secretary shall inform the applicant of the result in writing. Upon payment of the prescribed entrance fee and annual membership fee to the Treasurer the applicant shall be deemed to be a member of the Society.
5 Membership shall be annually renewable. Automatic renewal of membership for the current year shall be by payment of the annual membership fee provided the payment is made not later than 31st December in the current year.
6 Any membership not renewed by 31st January of the next year shall be deemed to have lapsed.
7 The Council may terminate the membership of any person who is deemed to have acted in a manner contrary to the interests of the Society.
Membership Fee
Currently, the annual membership fee of the Pakistan Mathematical Society is Rs 300.00. Membership is renewable by 31st December. Membership of those who are unable to pay by 31st January of the next year will be suspended and they will not be able to enjoy privileges of the membership until the membership fee is paid.
Membership Form
Please download membership form fromĀ here and send it by post to General Secretary PakMS.

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