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Weekly seminars are held every Wednesday at 12.30 p.m. in room number 29 at the Department of Mathematics, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. The idea of holding these seminars was given by Professor Qaiser Mushtaq in order to provide a platform for mutual interaction on a wide range of topics. They cover not only mathematics, but science, and other topics of related fields/aspects of education and related research.

The seminars initially began in the year 2005 under the auspices of Professor Qaiser Mushtaq. The charge of these seminars were subsequently taken over by Dr. Shehla Asif in 2006, and then by Ayesha Rafiq in 2009 . More than 200 seminars have been conducted successfully to date.

The success is further promulgated by the fact that students, scholars and educationists may forward their opinions, ideas and suggestions to the in charge of seminars.

Those interested in this field are cordially invited to participate and may contact the in charge via email at ayesha_rafiq@live.com. The participants will be welcomed on the basis of give/gain knowledge in this education arena.

Algebra seminar is a weekly activity which is usually held on Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m. in Professor Qaiser Mushtaq’s office. It is meant to provide a forum to scholars for interaction on mathematical topics of mutual interest.

S/No Name Title Dated
1. Shehla Asif Finite Permutation Representations of a subgroup of Picard Group 10-02-2007
2. Madad Khan On Embedding of an AG**-groupoid 17-02-2007
3. Madad Khan An Introduction to LeTeX 24-02-2007
4. M. Shamir Khan Mathematical Contributions of S. Chowla- I 10-03-2007
5. M. Shamir Khan Mathematical Contributions of S. Chowla-II 17-03-2007
6. Saima Anis Action of Picard Group on Q(√3,i) 24-03-2007
7. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Mathematical Symbols and their effects in Mathematics 07-04-2007
8. Nasir Siddiqui Coset Diagrams 14-04-2007
9. Nasir Siddiqui Action of G22 on Projective Lines over Finite Fields 21-04-2007
10. M. Shamir Khan Development of Mathematics in the First Ten Years of Pakistan 05-05-2007
11. Saima Anis Ambiguous Numbers in Q(i,(√3) 19-05-2007
12. Professor  Qaiser Mushtaq Let us Write it Right 26-05-2007
13. Dr M. Aslam A Survey of the Coset Diagrams 02-06-2007
14. Iftikhar Ali How to make Diagrams in Flash 09-06-2007
15. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Cryptography 16-06-2007
16. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Lecturing or Teaching? 23-06-2007
17. M. Shamir Khan Contributions of a few  Mathematicians in the Development of Mathematics in Lahore 30-06-2007
18. Nasir Siddiqui Action of G22 on PL(Fp) 08-09-2007
19. Nasir Siddiqui Permutation representation of coset diagram for the action of  G22 on  PL(Fp) 15-09-2007
20. M. Shamir Khan First Decade of Mathematics in Punjab 22-09-2007
21. M. Sarwar Saeed Introduction of One-relator Surface Groups 29-09-2007
22. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Software for the Coset Diagrams 03-10-2007
23. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Non-mathematical Interpretations in Mathematics 10-11-2007
24. Naqeeb-ur- Rehman Three-relator Quotients of PSL(2,Z) 17-11-2007
25. Waqar Hussain Polynomial based Digital Computations in Galois Fields 24-11-2007
26. Nomana Rafee Finitely Generated Triangle Group 01-12-2007
27. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq What Mathematics is all About 08-12-2007
28. Shaista Batool Finite Generalized Triangle Groups 15-12-2007
29. Naqeeb-ur- Rehman Modular Group acting on Real Quadratic Fields 05-01-2008
30. Dr Munir Ahmed Introduction to Hopf Algebra 26-01-2008
31. M. Sarwar Saeed Introduction to Bass-Serre Theory-I 02-02-2008
32. M. Sarwar Saeed Introduction to Bass-Serre Theory-II 09-02-2008
33. Nasir Siddiqui Homomorphic Images of a Subgroup of Aut(Г3) 16-02-2008
34. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Corruption in Education 23-02-2008
35. Rehan Ahmed Using Schreier Elements to Compute the Order of a Group 01-03-2008
36. Saima Anis Ambiguous Numbers in Picard Group Space-Q(i,√3) 08-03-2008
37. M. Sarwar Saeed Documents Preparation Using LaTeX 15-03-2008
38. Fiaz Amber Fragments for the Coset Diagrams for ∆(2,3,12) 22-03-2008
39. Abid Ali Pell Numbers, Pell-Lucas Number & Modular Group 29-03-2008
40. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Pernicious Trends in Mathematics in Pakistan 12-03-2008
41. Shehla Asif Action of G1 on PL(F5n) 19-04-2008
42. Nasir Siddiqui Parameterization of Actions of the Automorphism Subgroup on a Cubic Tree 26-04-2008
43. Nasir Saddiqui Some more Results on Parameterization of Actions of the Automorphism Subgroup on a Cubic Tree 03-05-2008
44. Dr M Aslam On Power Subgroups of Hecke Groups 10-05-2008
45. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Why We Do Mathematics 17-05-2008
46. Shehla Asif A 2-generator and 5-relator Presentation of a Subgroup of a Picard Group 24-05-2008
47. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Trends in Mathematics Research in Pakistan 31-05-2008
48. Sarwar Saeed Limit Groups 07-06-2008
49. Professor Shamir Khan State of Mathematics in Punjab During Second Decade 21-06-2008
50. Ayesha Rafiq The Determinant of the Adjacency Matrix of a Graph 13-09-2008
51. Waqar Ahmad Khan LA-Groups as Quotients of  Left Inverse Quasigroups 20-09-2008
52. Sadaf Shafqat Tessellations with the Modular Group from Dynamics 27-09-2008
53. M. Nadeen Awan Pell Numbers, Pell-Lucas Numbers and the Modular Group 11-10-2008
54. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq The Future of Mathematics in Pakistan 18-10-2008
55. Itrat Quarnain Genus of certain Triangle Groups 25-10-2008
56. Kamran Shafique Coset Diagrams for Hurwitz Groups 01-11-2008
57. Abdul Razzak On Certain Orbits in Imaginary Quadratic Field under some Heche Group 15-11-2008
58. Azeem Shahzad Hecke Group √2 and the Imaginary Quadratic Field 22-11-2008
59. Saima Anis Tessellations of the Picard Group 29-11-2008
60. Nighat Mumtaz Haradam Generalized Fibbonacci Numbers and the Modular Group 06-12-2008
61. Abdul Raheem Symmetrical Patterns from Dynamics 20-12-2008
62. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Ethics and PhD Programme in Pakistan 03-01-2009
63. Ayesha Rafiq Graphs through the Adjacency matrices for the Modular Group 10-01-2009
64. Sadaf Shafqat Infinite Coset Diagrams for PSL(2,Z) 14-02-2009
65. Itrat Quarnain Genuses for Coxeter Group G5,5,5 21-02-2009
66. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Propaganda in Mathematics 07-03-2009
67. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Classification in Mathematics 21-03-2009
68. Abdul Raheem Wallpaper Groups 04-04-2009
69. Nighat Mumtaz Homomorphic Images of Commutators of the Modular Group 11-04-2009
70. Muhammad Nadeem Pell Numbers and the Hecke Groups 18-04-2009
71. Saddiqa Mazhar Sporadic Group 25-04-2009
72. Shazadi Salma Kanwal Fuchsian Group 02-05-2009
73. Tariq Nawaz Closed Graphs and Open Mapping Theorems for Linear Relations 06-05-2009
74. Javed Hussain M-Principally Injective and Projective S-acts 09-05-2009
75. Abdul Manan Level and index in the Modular Group 16-05-2009
76. Professor Qaiser  Mushtaq Worthwhile Mathematical Research 30-05-2009
77. Nasir Siddiqui The Action of the Automorphism Subgroup of a Cubic Tree on Finite Sets 13-06-2009
78. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Analysis of M.Phil Programme 1-08-2009
79. Muahmmad Asif Galois Group 16-09-2009
80. Sohail Nasir Flatness and Amalgamation in Pomonoids-I 03-11-2009
81. Sohail Nasir Flatness and Amalgamation in Pomonoids-Ii 10-11-2009
82. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Mathematics and Social Milieu 17-11-2009
83. Andleeb Abbasi Some Comments on balanced finite groups 24-11-2009
84. Abdul Manan Level and Index in the modular Group 22-12-2009
85. Shehzadi Salama Kanwal Signature of a Fuchsian Group 29-12-2009
86. Siddiqua Mazhar Mathieu Group M24 as Homomorphic Image of PGL(2.Z) 05-01-2010
87. Muhammad Asif  Memon Galois Group of  Polynomial 19-01-2010
88. Adeela Naz The Coxeter Group G (k, l, m) 26-01-2010
89. Muhammad Awais Yousaf A software for the permutation representation of  (2,3,k) 09-02-2010
90. Abdul Manan Level and Index in the modular Group 16-02-2010
91. Siddiqua Mazhar Coxeter  Diagrams for M24 23-02-2010
92. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Adversaries in Mathematics 30-03-2010
93. Akhtar Ali Orbits of Hecke Group H(squreroot(2)) 06-04-2010
94.. Nasir siddiqui Some Applications of Linear Algebra 13-04-2010
95. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq M. Phil & PhD Programme in Pakistan 27-04-2010
96. Umer Shoib Identification of congruence Subgroups of the Modular Group 11-05-2010
97. Dr. Asia Majeed 80 years of operator algebras 25-05-2010
98. Dr. Asia Majeed Jordan Zero Product preserving additive Maps on a Nest Algebra 01-06-2010
99. Abdul Razzaq Relation between the pairs of circuits of a Fragment and some results about Polynomials 12-09-2010
100. Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Mathematical Realities 19-09-2010
101 Syed Zulqarnain Haider Subgroups of the (2, 3, 7) 27-09-2010
102. Syed Khurrum shehzad Groups of Second Kind within the Modular Grouup 03-11-2010
103. Tabassum circuits in coset Diagrams for the Modular Group 10-11-2010
104. Abdul Razzaq Different Fregments with the same polynomial 29-12-2010
105 Imran Shahzad One relator quotients of the modular group 19-01-2011
106 Fatima Bibi The number of Subgroups of given Index in a certain Hecke Group 09-02-2011
107 Irfan Younas
Paramedial Groupoids 23-03-2011
108 Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Fading Image of Mathematics in Pakistan
109 Saleem Abdullah
Direct Product of Intuitionistic fuzzy Sets in LA-semigroups
110 Dr. Farhan Saif
Science and Technology at Nano-Scale
111 Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Groups and their Applications 11-05-2011
112 Dr. Zahid Asghar Food Security Analysis for Pakistan 18-05-2011
113 Aqeel Islam Some Properties on Expandable Graph 25-05-2011
114 Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Downfall of Mathematics in Pakistan 01-06-2011
115 Ayesha Rafiq Fullerene and A5 05-10-2011
116 Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Some comments about PhD Thesis 26-10-2011
117 Atika Khalid Two element generation of Reflection Groups 02-11-2011
118 Sonia Hanif On Symmetric Graphs 16-11-2011
119 Hafiza Tayyaba Malik The Symmetric Genus of a Sporadic Simple Group 23-11-2011
120 Sumaira Bibi On the Mathieu Group M23 30-11-2011
121 Abid Ali On Serre’s Nagao’s Theorem 07-12-2011
122 Prof. Dr. Qaiser Mushtaq Coset Diagrams and their Applications 21-12-2011
123 Jazila Javed A study of SQ-Universal group <x,y;x^2=y^4=[x,y]^k> 04-01-2012
124 Afshan Qayyum A study of SQ-Universal group <x,y;x^2=y^6=[x,y]^k> 18-01-2012
125 Ahmed Adil Coset Diagram of Picard Group 24-01-2012
126 Abid Ali Trees are mathematics friendly also 01-02-2012
127 Atika khalid Two element generation of a wallpaper group p31m 08-02-2012
128 Qaiser Khan Determination of all regular maps of small genus 15-02-2012
129 Sumaira Bibi Mathieu Group M23 22-02-2012
130 Hafiza Tayyaba The symmetric genus of a sporadic simple group 29-02-2012
131 Sonia Hanif Constructing Symmetric Graphs 02-03-2012
132 Abdul Razzaq Classification of fragments in PSL(2, Z) space 07-03-2012
133 Muhammad Awais Yousaf The Picard Group Γ1 14-03-2012
134 Ahmed Adil Determinant of rectangular matrices 21-03-2012
135 Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Mathematical Induction 28-03-2012
136 Jazila Javed Quotient Group of delta(2,3,oo) 04-04-2012
137 Shafaq Naz Rings and Fields 11-04-2012
138 Muhammad Raheem Golden Ratio 18-04-2012
139 Afshan Qayyum A Universal Subgroup Quotient of <x,y:x^2=y^6=1> 25-04-2012
140 Professor Qaiser Mushtaq Lecture: a point of view 16-05-2012
141 Abdul Razzaq Homomorphic Images of Circuits in PSL(2,z) space 23-05-2012
142 Ahmed Adil A Diagrammatic View of the Picard Groups Amalgamtion 06-06-2012
143 Dr. Asif Ali Introduction to Quasigroups and Loops 13-06-2012
144 Rehan Ahmad Coxeter Group G^3,13,280 20-06-2012
145 Sohail Iqbal Modular Curves 27-06-2012
146 Prof. Marcus du Sautoy The Story of Maths: A Documentary ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ 04-07-2012
147 Prof. Antonio Aparecido de Andrade …………….Number fields and its applications 11-07-2012
148 London Mathematical Society Multiple Choices: A Documentary ‘Maths Careers’ 18-07-2012
149 Imran Shehzad The Seven Bridge Problem and Graphs 01-08-2012
150 Prof. Dr. Qaiser Mushtaq Decadence of Research in Mathematics 08-08-2012
151 Ayesha Rafiq A short introduction to continued fractions 15-08-2012
152 Prof. Dr. Qaiser Mushtaq Essentials of a good lecture in mathematics 19-09-2012
153 Afshan Qayyum Universal Subgroup Quotient of <x,y:x^2=y^6=1> 26-09-2012
154 Abdul Razzaq Sequence and Series 10-10-2012
155 Dr. Mohammad Aslam ordinary Differential Equations 17-10-2012
156 Dr. Tayyab Kamran Iterative Function System: An Introduction 24-10-2012
157 Abid Ali Tree Autosmorphisms of Rank 2 KMGs: An Open Problem 14-11-2012
158 Naveed Yaqoob Rough Hyperideals in Ternary Semihypergroups 21-11-2012
159 Muhammad Awais Yousaf Finite Homomorphic Images of the Picard Group 28-11-2012
160 Prof. Dr. Qaiser Mushtaq Generalisations: What do they mean? 05-12-2012
161 M. Umer Shoaib Some remarks on the homomorphic images of PSL(2,O2) 12-12-2012
162 Dr. M Jamil Aslam Exotic States in Particle Physics 19-12-2012
163 Dr. Umar Hayat McKay Correspondence: A beautiful link between Orbital Geometry and Representation Theory 09-01-2013
 164  Prof. Dr. Qaiser Mushtaq  Researchers’ Play with Numbers  23-01-2013
 165  Mr. Irfan Younas  Inner Product Spaces: A Brief Review  06-02-2013
 166  Naveed Ahmad Azam  Construction and efficient decoding of cyclic codes  13-02-2013
 167  Prof. Dr. Qaiser Mushtaq  Recording of Mathematical Research  20-02-2013
 168  Shafaq Naz  Ideal Theory of Semihypergroups  27-02-2013
 169  Muhammad Awais Yousaf  Diagrammatic view of action of Picard Group on Projective lines  06-032013
 170  Ms. Saadia Mehwish A Brief Review of Linear and Cyclic Codes  13-03-2013
 171  Ms. Saira Jahangir  Introduction to Techniques of Cryptography  20-03-2013
 172  Prof. Qaiser Mushtaq Mathematical Metamorphosis  27-03-2013
 173  Ms. Mariam Irshad  A Glimpse of the History of Mathematics  03-04-2013
 174  Documentary:  Fermat’s Last Theorem  10-04-2013
 175  Mr. Abdul Razzaq Joining of circuits of coset diagrams of PSL(2,z)   17-04-2013
 176  Muhammad Awais Yousaf  S4 as a homomorphic Image of PSLl(2,Z[i])  24-04-2013
 177  Mr. Rehan Ahmed  Quotients of Triangle Groups  29-05-2013
 178  Documentary  Infinity  05-06-2013
 179  Dr. Abid Ali  An Introduction to Latex  12-06-2013
 180  Prof. Qaiser Mushtaq Effects of Commercialization of Mathematical Research  27-06-2013
 181  Mr. Umer Shoib S4 as a homomorphic image of PL(2,O2)  03-07-2013
 182  Documentary:  Beautiful Equations  10-07-2013
 183  Mr. Muhammad Inam  Math’s Education   17-07-2013
 184  Dr. Safdar Abbas Khan  Infinity  24-07-2013
 185  Dr. Safdar Abbas Khan  Infinity and beyond  31-07-2013
 186  Prof. Qaiser Mushtaq  Presentation of research  05-09-2013
 187  Ms. Mariam Irshad  Origami and Mathematics  12-09-2013
 188  Ms. Saadia Mehwish  Januarials  19-09-2013
 189  Ms. Nighat Mumtaz  Existence of Fragments in Coset Diagrams and Triangle  Groups  26-09-2013
 190  Ms. Ayesha Rafiq  Matrices Related To Graphs  10-10-2013
 191  Ms. Saadia Mehwish  Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in  mathematics  31-10-2013
 192  Ms. Ayesha Rafiq  Spectra of the action of PSL(2,Z)  07-11-2013
 193  Mr. Abdul Razzaq  On a certain Class of Fragments  21-11-2013
 194  Mr. Rehan Ahmed  Number Theory related to Coset Diagrams  28-11-2013
 195  Ms. Nadia Ambreen  Nadia’s Treasure of Knowledge  05-12-2013
 196  Ms. Kiran Rukhsana  Personality Grooming and Confidence Building  12-12-2013
 197  Ms. Uferah Shafi  Knowte: Messaging; how it should be  19-12-2013
 198  Prof. Qaiser Mushtaq  Research Methodology  02-01-2014
 199  Miss Kiran R. Minhas  Presentation Skills  30-01-2014
 200  Prof. Qaiser Mushtaq A Pakistani Mathematician’s Worry  27-02-2014
 201  Dr. Khalid Saifullah  Black Hole: A Mathematical Object  27-03-2014
 202  Pervaiz Ahmed  “My News”: Another Social Network  10-04-2014
 203  Mr. M. Awais Yousaf  Alternating Quotients of Picard Group  08-05-2014
 204  Miss Saadia Mehwish  On a condition to obtain januarials constructed from Hecke groups  15-05-2014
 205  Mr Abdul Raheem  Group Theoretic based Cryptography  22-05-2014
 206  Dr Shabieh Farwa  Reimann-Roch Theorem  29-05-2014
 207  Miss Arsala Sharafat  Genus of the Coset diagrams for PSL(2,p) where p≡1,3(mod8)  05-06-2014
 208  Miss Humaira Ahsan-ul-  Haq Genus of the Coset diagrams for PSL(2,p) where p≡1(mod3)  12-06-2014
 209  Miss Mariam Irshad Action of a subgroup of Hecke group and PSL(2,Z) on spaces related to real Eisentein primes  19-06-2014
 210  Miss Saadia Mehwish On finding all the Januarials of Hecke group  26-06-2014